Our Purpose

The purpose of Covenant Family Fellowship is to be a family of Christ’s followers who are devoted to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            As a local expression of the body of Christ, we believe that God has a specific function for us to accomplish. The bible uses the example of the human body to express the different functions within that body. We all have hands, eyes, mouth, ears, hearts, lungs, etc. Each part of our body has a specific function to perform in order for our bodies to function properly. We believe God will use us for His purposes if we allow Him to direct us as the Head.

Our Values

The core values of Covenant Family Fellowship include:

  • The simplicity of devotion to Christ

  • The church as a house of prayer

  • Relational focus/living the “one another” commands

  • The feeding of the flock through sound, biblical preaching & teaching


  • Fathers spiritually leading their families/families worshiping together

  • Believers of all ages (and family status) worshiping together as one family

  • Biblical Eldership - plurality of godly men leading by example, teaching, and influence to achieve consensus

  • Resolving conflicts - following the biblical pattern for resolving conflict rather than hiding, avoiding it, or denying it.

  • A doctrinal emphasis that is Christ-centered, life-related and rooted in Scripture

  • Spirit-empowered evangelism and church-planting

Our Beliefs

 We believe all that is revealed in the sixty-six books of the Bible. The Bible alone is the ultimate authority for our beliefs and practices. The following statements summarize a few of the core truths of our faith. We believe:

  • Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God born of a virgin

  • Christ died for our sins...and was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

  • All Scripture is God-breathed

  • No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again

  • God commands all people everywhere to repent

  • We are justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law

  • We receive the promise of the Spirit by faith

  • We receive the gifts of the Spirit as God decides and distributes

  • His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness

  • From him, and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever

Our Principles

In order to fulfill the purpose God has given this fellowship, to live according to our values, and act consistent with our beliefs, our ministry operates according to the following five principles:

PURPOSE - We believe that every person was created by God and has been given incredible gifts and talents that are intended to be used for personal fulfillment and blessing of others. As a church, we help people develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and an understanding of God's purpose and giftings for their life.

PLACE - Most churches identify their religious affiliation with a denomination or the buildings they occupy. We believe that the people who believe in Jesus are the church and that the building or place that Christians gather isn't really that important. We have found that small groups of believers meeting together on a regular basis to support each other and to be involved in their lives are the keys to successful living.

POWER - There are many self-help programs available, but our experience indicates that without God's love and transforming power, our best efforts to live healthy and happy lives will always leave us unfulfilled and hopeless. We seek to encounter God as people in the Bible did on a daily basis and to experience His power working in our lives.

PROTECTION - Many people have not had positive experiences with churches and we believe that accountability of church leaders and members is commanded by the Bible and is to be practiced in the church. We have a very open service style where all members are encouraged to share and where conflicts between people are resolved in a manner that reflects God's love and forgiveness.

PROVISION – The Bible teaches that the ability to earn money is a gift from our generous God and that His people should follow His lead. Our leaders all have regular jobs and give their service to the church without compensation. They do this as an example to other members and so that the church will be in a position to give away the majority of money that is donated to helping the poor, particularly in lesser developed nations around the world.

Our Bylaws

Click HERE to see Covenant Family Fellowships Bylaws